Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Preschool Story Time Ideas - Frozen




Preschool Story Time Ideas - Butterflies

  •  The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle


Preschool Story Time and Pinterest

Check back frequently on my Preschool Story Time ideas page (linked to the right) where I will link to ideas that I find on Pinterest. Or, check out my Pinterest page directly at

My Preschool Board specifically is linked here.

Please note that this is my personal account, even though I have shared boards with many of the boards from my library pages. This just makes it easier to post to their boards if I find something while logged into my own account.

Peace out, yo!

Friday, August 8, 2014

First Post!

Okay, first posts are sort of nerve-wrecking. The thing is, I'm really excited because I just got an A in my hard class for this semester. Staying above a 3.0 in grad school is very hard work for a girl as tired of being in school as I am. I procrastinate like it is my job. However, I'm trying very hard to get my act together and get things in on time better. Self reflection is one of the most important parts of library school, I've found. Reflecting on your failures is especially important, so that you can figure out what went wrong, how to handle it better, and how to deal with the disappointment or frustration felt. I learned this from Dorothea Salo, one of my professors. She is amazing. I will be linking to some of her things here in my blog list, such as her SlideShare presentations. My boyfriend actually sat and listened through two or three lectures with me in a row one night, with bits of Django Unchained in between. One of my classmates mentioned on Facebook that his/her pets prefer Dorothea's presentations best. Of course, I believe the pet in question was a cat, and most cats just like laptops anyway because (say it with me now internet) they are made of warms.
I'm also linking to Marge Loch-Wouters' blog because she was also a great teacher that I had this semester. She provided us with a whole list of blogs to help with children's programming! That's what I will mostly be focusing on here, Preschool Story Time activities. I needed a place to put the ideas that I've done together so that I would know what has worked and what hasn't. I'll get working on that shortly, but I may leave them as drafts for a little bit. We'll see. I'm nervous about making a library blog because 1, linking to all of these people, they could possibly end up linking back some day and that's a scary-good thing and 2, it is something actually very important to me and not just something that I take lightly for "whenever I have the time" like my other blog, Weekly Book Reviews by Stina. (I know that it says weekly. It was at one time. Long ago. In a faraway land. You get the picture.)

Linking to all of these people that I'm about to add links to this blog for is mostly for my own reference, so that I have a place to keep track of them, but you can use them too if you like. ;)